Peninsula Garden Midtown Homes | Manila

About Peninsula Garden Midtown Homes | Manila

RFO condo in Paco, Manila

Peninsula Garden Midtown Homes is a kid-friendly residential condominium community designed to give a 100% safe and nurturing home for you and your children. Half of the property is dedicated to a huge garden for great outdoor adventures and relaxation. The community also offers multi-purpose halls, gym, swimming pool, daycare center, playground, meditation garden, clubhouse and more.

Maple: 026337
Molave: 0000097
Magnolia: 028558
Mandarin: 028556
Narra: 028562
Mahogany: 035109
Mango: 336
Mimosa: 337
Showroom Location:
Ground Floor Peninsula Garden Midtown Homes Brgy. 831 Peñafrancia St., Paco, Manila
Completion Date:
Maple: June 2014
Molave: December 2012
Magnolia: March 2014
Mandarin: September 2015
Narra: October 2014
Mahogany: December 2016
Mango: December 2020
Mimosa: December 2022


Horizon Land Property Development Corporation